Which Campaign Attribution is right for you and what does it tell you?

Understanding SalesforceCampaign Attribution Models in Salesforce for Account Engagement(Pardot) Users

Understanding which campaigns drive the most value is crucial. Salesforce offers several campaign attribution models for Account Engagement(Pardot) users to help track and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing efforts (even custom models). The out-of-the-box models include Primary Campaign Source, First Touch, Last Touch, and Even Distribution. Each model provides unique insights into how campaigns influence opportunities and revenue and when they influence opportunities.

Primary Campaign Source

The Primary Campaign Source model is Salesforce's default attribution model. It assigns 100% of the credit for an opportunity to the campaign designated as the primary source. This model is straightforward to implement, making it a popular choice for organizations starting with campaign attribution. The Primary Campaign Source field on the Opportunity assigns this attribution.


  • Simple to set up and understand.

  • Provides a clear view of which campaign is considered the most influential.


  • Does not account for the influence of multiple campaigns.

  • May oversimplify the attribution process, leading to potential misinterpretations.

First Touch

The First Touch attribution model assigns 100% of the credit to the campaign that first engaged the prospect. This model is particularly useful for understanding which campaigns are most effective at generating initial interest and awareness.


  • Highlights the campaigns that are most effective at attracting new prospects.

  • Useful for top-of-the-funnel analysis.


  • Ignores the influence of subsequent campaigns.

  • It may not provide a complete picture of the customer journey.

Last Touch

The Last Touch attribution model assigns 100% of the credit to the campaign that was last engaged before the opportunity was closed. (Depending on your Auto Association Model) This model is beneficial for understanding which campaigns are most effective at closing deals and converting prospects into customers.


  • Focuses on the campaigns that directly lead to conversions and won opportunties.

  • Useful for bottom-of-the-funnel analysis.


  • Ignores the influence of earlier campaigns.

  • It may not provide a complete picture of the customer journey.

Even Distribution

The Even Distribution attribution model assigns equal credit to all campaigns influencing the opportunity. This model provides a more balanced view of how multiple campaigns contribute to an opportunity's success.


  • Accounts for the influence of all campaigns involved.

  • Provides a more comprehensive view of the customer journey.


  • It can be more complex to set up and analyze.

  • This may dilute the perceived impact of individual campaigns.

Choosing the Right Model

Selecting the right attribution model depends on your organization’s needs and goals. If you’re looking for simplicity and ease of implementation, the Primary Campaign Source model might be the best fit. For insights into initial engagement, the First Touch model is ideal. The Last Touch model will provide valuable insights if closing deals is your primary focus. The Even Distribution model is the way to go for a more holistic view of your marketing efforts. If you want to analyze what’s working throughout your funnel, you might want to use all of the models.


Understanding and implementing the right campaign attribution model in Salesforce can significantly enhance your ability to measure and optimize your marketing efforts. By leveraging these models, Marketers can gain valuable insights into which campaigns drive the most value, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making and improved marketing ROI.


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