Deep Dive into Einstein Behavior Scoring

Understanding your prospects’ behavior is critical to driving successful outcomes in marketing automation. That’s where Einstein's Behavior Scoring comes in. This feature of Salesforce Einstein for Pardot uses artificial intelligence to analyze prospect engagement and identify the most influential behaviors. Let’s dive deeper into how it works and how you can leverage it to enhance your marketing strategies.

What is Einstein's Behavior Scoring?

Einstein Behavior Scoring is a feature of Salesforce Einstein for Account Engagement(Pardot) that uses machine learning to analyze past and current prospect engagement. It assigns scores to various behaviors based on their influence on successful outcomes, such as conversions.

How Does It Work?

Einstein Behavior Scoring analyzes many prospect behaviors, including email opens, form submissions, website visits, etc. It then uses machine learning algorithms to determine which behaviors are most associated with successful outcomes.

The scoring model is continuously updated as more data becomes available, ensuring that the scores always reflect the latest trends and patterns in prospect behavior.

Why Is It Important?

Understanding which behaviors are most influential can help you prioritize your marketing efforts. For example, if Einstein Behavior Scoring reveals that prospects who download a particular whitepaper are more likely to convert, you might decide to promote that whitepaper more heavily.

Moreover, you can automate actions based on behavior scores by integrating Einstein Behavior Scoring with other Account Engagement(Pardot) features. For instance, you could set up a rule to send a follow-up email to prospects once their behavior score reaches a certain threshold.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for using Einstein Behavior Scoring:

  • Review Scores Regularly: Since the scoring model is continuously updated, reviewing the scores regularly is important to stay informed about the latest trends and patterns.

  • Integrate with Other Features: Leverage the power of Pardot by integrating Einstein Behavior Scoring with other features like email marketing and lead nurturing.

  • Test and Optimize: Use A/B testing to see how changes in your marketing strategy affect behavior scores and optimize your strategy based on the results.

Einstein's Behavior Scoring is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into prospect behavior. By understanding which behaviors are most influential, you can make data-driven decisions and create more personalized experiences for your prospects.

At Market Lite, we work with you to implement Salesforce Einstien features optimize your Marketing team’s capabilities and improve customer engagement.


Understanding Einstein Lead Scoring


Introduction to Salesforce Einstein for Pardot